Did you read the newsletter?

Well 29 of you have ... the rest are holding on to it for a special occasion, I suppose.

Anyway, for those that did - and read right to the end - you will have noticed that I suggested we could have a bit of a challenge to keep us sane - ish.

If you are interested - nothing too arduous, technical, or skilful - in a bit of fun please let me know. Usual email address applies.

For those who haven't read the newsletter, get on and do it! It is not as if you have anything better to do (assuming you are not a key worker - but if you are carry on doing what you are doing 'cos we love you).

Now we all have time on our hands why not get in contact and tell us what you have been up to - even if it is arty-crafty stuff.

Don't forget, we love a challenge ...

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